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DevOps as a Service

DevOps as a Service (DaaS) helps you establish a successful development lifecycle to increase your software development speed.

You can bring high DevOps experience to your team in just minutes!


Accelerate your software development speed with DevOps as a Service

In an era where the speed of bringing products to market can define success, our mission is to alleviate the operational burdens, allowing your focus to remain on product innovation. DevOps as a Service is your strategic ally, streamlining the application development lifecycle to boost your software development speed significantly.

By optimising development processes, you not only expedite product delivery but also carve out a significant competitive advantage, positioning your offerings at the forefront of the market. This strategic approach ensures your products reach their audience swiftly, capturing market opportunities and driving success.

Bion-About Us

What is DevOps as a Service (DaaS)?

DevOps as a Service (DaaS) is a specialized offering provided by Bion, tailored for organizations seeking to optimize their software development and deployment processes. At its core, DaaS is about leveraging the expertise of Bion's skilled engineers to enhance your development and cloud-based operations workflows, using a combination of tools, automation, and best practices. Highlights of Bion's DaaS offering:

Infrastructure Provisioning and Configuration

Our engineers meticulously architect and provision infrastructure optimized for cloud-based application development. Leveraging leading cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud, we deploy scalable server clusters, configure resilient networking architectures, and implement high-performance databases tailored to your application's needs in cloud-based environments.

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)

We implement sophisticated CI/CD pipelines tailored for cloud-based application development workflows. Leveraging cloud-native services, we automate every stage of the development lifecycle, enabling rapid iteration, seamless testing, and frictionless deployment of new features and updates in cloud-based environments.

Tooling and Automation

Harnessing the power of cloud-native tools and automation frameworks, we streamline development workflows and boost developer productivity in cloud-based environments. From version control systems to containerization platforms, we ensure that you have the right tools to accelerate innovation and drive business growth in cloud-based environments.

Monitoring and Incident Response

Our advanced monitoring and alerting systems provide real-time visibility into the health and performance of your applications in cloud-based environments. Leveraging cloud-native monitoring services, we enable proactive incident response, ensuring optimal uptime and reliability of your applications deployed in cloud-based environments.

Security and Compliance

Security is paramount in application development. We implement robust security measures, leverage cloud-based security services, and conduct regular compliance audits to safeguard your applications and data against evolving threats and regulatory requirements in cloud environments.

Scalability and Flexibility

We understand that the needs of your organization may change over time. Leveraging the elasticity of cloud resources, we empower you to scale infrastructure seamlessly and adapt development strategies to seize new opportunities in cloud-based environments, ensuring that your applications remain agile and responsive to evolving demands.

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How It Works


Kick-Off Meeting

Everything starts with a kick-off meeting. We begin taking tasks from your backlog right away.

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Instant Channel

We create a shared Slack channel to have instant 2-way communication with you.


Board Integration

We join the Scrum or Kanban board that you are already using.

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Progress Huddle

We organise weekly meetings to show/discuss our progress and plan for the following weeks.

  • Collaboration and Integration: You work closely with internal teams, seamlessly integrating into their processes and workflows. By aligning with their goals and objectives, you ensure a cohesive partnership focused on driving automation and efficiency across the entire DevOps spectrum.
  • Specialised Expertise: Your team brings specialised expertise in various areas, including AWS/GCP/Azure management, Kubernetes management, cloud migration, Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC), CI/CD, database DevOps, database pipelines, on-prem automation, and DataOps. This breadth of knowledge allows you to address diverse needs and challenges within the organisation's infrastructure and development workflows.
  • Hands-on Support: You provide hands-on support to internal teams, assisting them in automating processes and workflows to alleviate hiring headaches and enable them to focus on product development. Whether it's setting up cloud environments, managing Kubernetes clusters, implementing CI/CD pipelines, or optimising database operations, your team works side by side with internal teams to drive progress and achieve goals.
  • Tailored Solutions: You tailor solutions to meet the specific requirements of each team and project. By understanding their unique needs and challenges, you deliver customised solutions that align with their objectives and drive tangible results.
  • Experienced Professionals: Your team comprises experienced DevOps and cloud engineers committed to delivering the best solutions. With their expertise and dedication, they ensure the successful implementation of automation initiatives and the continuous improvement of DevOps processes.
  • Requirement-driven Approach: You invite organisations to share their requirements, following which you provide them with experienced DevOps and cloud engineers. This proactive approach ensures that you understand the needs of each organisation and can match them with the right talent and expertise to address their challenges effectively.

Benefits of Choosing DaaS

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Cost Efficiency

DaaS eliminates the need for upfront investments in tools and personnel. You can avoid the overhead costs associated with maintaining in-house DevOps teams, such as salaries, benefits, training, and infrastructure expenses. Pay-as-you-go models ensure you only pay for the services they use, optimizing cost-effectiveness.


Agility and Flexibility

DaaS offers the agility to scale resources up or down based on project demands and business growth. You can quickly adapt to market changes and seize new opportunities without the constraints of fixed internal teams.

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Access to Specialised Expertise

By partnering with us, companies gain access to a team of seasoned DevOps professionals with diverse skill sets and extensive experience. This expertise covers a wide range of domains, including cloud platforms, containerization, automation, security, and more, ensuring comprehensive support for complex projects.

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DaaS streamlines development and deployment processes, enabling faster delivery of software updates and new features. Automation of repetitive tasks and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines minimize manual intervention, reducing deployment times and improving release frequency.


Enhanced Reliability and Stability

DaaS providers implement robust monitoring, alerting, and incident response mechanisms to ensure the reliability and stability of applications and infrastructure. Proactive monitoring identifies and addresses issues before they impact end-users, minimising downtime and enhancing user experience.

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Focus on Core Business Objectives

By outsourcing DevOps responsibilities to us, you can redirect internal resources towards core business initiatives and strategic priorities. This allows teams to concentrate on product innovation, customer satisfaction, and revenue-generating activities, driving overall business growth.


Scalable Solutions for Growth

DaaS solutions are designed to scale alongside company growth, accommodating increased workloads, expanding user bases, and evolving business needs. Whether scaling infrastructure, optimizing workflows, or implementing new technologies, DaaS offer scalable solutions tailored to company objectives.


Continuous Improvement and Innovation

Bion continuously evaluates and adopts the latest DevOps tools, methodologies, and best practices. You benefit from ongoing innovation and improvements without the burden of researching, testing, and implementing new technologies internally.

Choose the Right Working Model

At Bion, we understand that every organisation has unique needs when it comes to their DevOps and cloud operations. That's why we offer two flexible working models for our DevOps as a Service:

Dedicated Model: Extending Your DevOps/Cloud Team(s)
With our Dedicated Model, you have the option to extend your DevOps or cloud team(s) within minutes. This model is ideal for organisations that require a dedicated team of experts to work on their projects for a specific period of time. Here are the key features of the Dedicated Model:
  • Flexible Engagement: Choose between 3, 6, or 12-month options based on your project requirements. This allows you to scale up or down as needed.
  • Seamless Collaboration: We provide a shared Slack channel for effective communication and collaboration between your team and our experts. This ensures smooth coordination and knowledge sharing.
  • Task Management: Our dedicated team utilises a task board to track and manage project tasks. This provides transparency and keeps everyone aligned with project goals and progress.
  • Regular Planning: Planning sessions are conducted to review project milestones, set goals, and discuss any updates or changes. This keeps the project on track and allows for timely adjustments if necessary.
  • Trial and Engagement: We offer a 1-month trial period with a 12-month engagement option. This allows you to experience the benefits of our Dedicated Model before committing to a longer engagement.

Pool Engineer Model: On-Demand Access to Certified Engineers
For organisations that prefer flexibility and access to certified engineers on an as-needed basis, our Pool Engineer Model is the perfect fit. This model allows you to purchase credits that can be consumed throughout the year, with each credit equivalent to one hour of work. Here's how the Pool Engineer Model works:
  • Credit-Based System: When you require an engineer for a task, one of our certified engineers will be assigned to deliver the work. The duration of the task determines the number of credits consumed.
  • Credit Consumption: For example, if a task takes 4 hours to complete, 4 credits will be deducted from your credit balance. This ensures fair and transparent billing based on the actual time spent on tasks.
  • Monthly Invoicing: At the end of each month, we will invoice you for the total number of credits you have spent. This provides clear visibility into your usage and helps you manage your budget effectively.
  • Flexibility to Top-Up: If you exhaust all your credits, you have the option to continue using "on-demand" credits as you need them. Alternatively, you can top-up your credit balance at any time to ensure uninterrupted access to our certified engineers.
We are committed to delivering high-quality DevOps as a Service tailored to your specific needs. Whether you choose the Dedicated Model or the Pool Engineer Model, you can rely on our experienced team to provide exceptional support, expertise, and timely delivery of your projects. 

Contact us today to explore which working model best suits your requirements and take your DevOps and cloud operations to the next level.

Features and Values

DevOps as a Service provides continuous end-to-end support for your development lifecycle + built-in security starting from your developers’ IDE to the end-user's browser.
  • AWS Cloud management
  • Latest Best Practices
  • DevSecOps
  • Containerisation
  • Kubernetes Management
  • Infrastructure as Code
  • CI/CD Pipeline
  • Troubleshooting
  • Observability
  • Distributed Tracing
  • Continuous Delivery CD
  • Database DevOps
  • Database Pipeline
  • Cloud Compliance
  • Cloud Migration
  • Configuration Management
  • Infrastructure Monitoring
  • Log Management and Analysis
  • Security Automation
  • Compliance as Code
  • Secrets Management
  • Service Mesh
  • Chaos Engineering
  • Observability Platforms
  • Continuous Compliance
  • GitOps
  • Multi-Cloud Orchestration
  • Serverless Architectures
  • Auto Scaling
  • Cloud Security
  • Application Performance Monitoring
  • Centralised Logging
  • Alert Management
  • Release Management
  • Faster Deployment Cycle
  • Reduced downtime and failures
  • Zero-downtime deployments
  • Automation
  • Cost optimisation
  • Continuous Integration CI
  • Automated Deployment
  • Google Cloud Platform Management
  • Cloud-Native Development
  • Cloud Disaster Recovery
  • Cloud Migration

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What Our Customers Say

Craig Greenhouse
CTO - CSG Solutions

I would thoroughly recommend Bion Consulting. I worked with Bion’s engineers to fulfil a challenging DevOps project. The brief was to specify the systems as “Everything as Code”. In a stressful and time-pressured environment, they were passionate about solving problems and always delivered quality, working solutions on time.

Gabriele Cacciola
Co-founder&CTO - Ocyan

We have worked with Bion on one of our client’s projects. Bion’s tremendous level of expertise in AWS helped us deliver the project in time and budget. Their professionality, high technical skills, and customer obsession will make us work with them in our future projects.

Mehmet Sinan Toktay
Co-founder&CTO - Insider

We needed automation for our AWS infrastructure provisioning, and therefore we worked with Bion. The work delivered by Bion was phenomenal, and we are absolutely impressed with it. Bion’s technical depth, profession and expertise were top notch. With their help, we could scale our business applications in multiple regions without any hassle.

Ivan Blesa
Head of Product - Noble

Bion's AWS, Kubernetes and general DevOps knowledge and experience have been pivotal to the successful delivery of our cybersecurity product. The value we got from their consultancy was priceless both from an execution and strategic perspective.

Calin Rada
CTO - PayParc

At PayParc, security comes first. We entrusted Bion to build our AWS production environment, and they did it most professionally, respecting our deadline and budget. What I also appreciated at Bion is their flexibility and availability to help small out-of-the-scope tasks. We are definitely going to collaborate with them in the future, as they comply with our values.

James Barker
CTO - Moteefe

If you are in urgent need of experienced DevOps engineers to augment your team then I highly recommend Bion. They were able to come in and get up to speed on our projects really quickly and also took on the responsibility of onboarding new team members as we expanded. A great service and really nice people to deal with.

How we helped our customers

We understand the challenges that businesses face in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape. If you're looking for a partner who can help take your business to the next level, look no further than our company. 

Our extensive collection of case studies showcases our ability to deliver transformative solutions and unparalleled support to businesses across industries. Join the ranks of our satisfied customers and explore our case studies today.

Explore Case Studies  
Cloud Computing AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure, GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
Infra Automation Ansible, Packer, Terraform, Puppet, CloudFormation, Atlantis, Vagrant, AWS Systems Manager
Orchestration Kubernetes, Helm, Docker Swarm, AWS ECS, Rancher, AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Containerisation Docker, Podman
CI/CD Jenkins, Jenkins-X, ArgoCD, CircleCI, TeamCity, Bitbucket Pipeline, GitLab CI, GitHub Actions, AWS CodePipeline, Azure DevOps, Octopus Deploy
Log management, monitoring, and alerting AWS CloudWatch, ELK Stack (Elastic Stack), New Relic, SolarWinds, Sentry, Nagios, Datadog, Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, Sysdig, Stackdriver, Instana, Humio, Fluentd, PagerDuty, Opsgenie
Team collaboration JIRA, Confluence, Slack, Asana, MS Teams, Trello, Miro
Source control Artifactory, Nexus, GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket
Programming languages Bash, HCL, YAML, Python, Go, Groovy, Node.js, Microsoft Powershell
Security AWS WAF, AWS Security Hub, AWS Config, AWS GuardDuty, Prisma Cloud, CloudFlare, Synk, Falcon, pfSense, Anchore, Trivy
Orchestration Kubernetes, Helm, Docker Swarm, AWS ECS, Rancher, AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Ready to Transform Your DevOps Journey?

Elevate your software development with our comprehensive DevOps as a Service. Our team of experts is here to streamline your operations, enhance your development speed, and ensure robust security and compliance.

Book Your Free Consultation!